
Friday 27 March 2015

Bio Solar Stone

Bio Solar Stone

Bio Solar Stone 1
Bio Solar Stone 1

Agate poaching continues by fans and collectors both in and outside the country. One local gem stones from Indonesia are often the target of many collectors are Bacan Doko kind of stone, stone Garut, Bacan Palamea, Lavender and many others, including the type of bio-diesel from Aceh stone this.

This stone has a special attraction for the fans because it has a style that is beautiful and charming. With beautiful color make this stone became the target and prey, especially those who love the beauty of gemstones.

Bio Solar Stone

Bio Solar Stone 2
Bio Solar Stone 2
Various types of agate which are found in various regions in Indonesia is a kind of micro-crystal quartz rock with a smoothness and brightness of different colors, including many types of agate found in the region of Aceh, which consists of stone types Idocrase, among which the famous stone Aceh is jade Aceh, Aceh moss green stone and others.

In an exhibition 'Indonesian Gemstone' in Jakarta on September 21 last, one of the most precious stones attract visitors is a type of stone Indocrase Bio Solar Aceh.

In the exhibition there are 160 booths from all over Indonesia. One of the stand that a lot of attention from visitors, exhibit booths from Aceh stone with the number 3,500 stones of various types and consists of 90 different motifs including biodiesel Indocrase stone that has managed to become the belle stone.

Bio Solar Stone

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