

Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.


Featuring various types of stone ring international.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Sand Stone

Sand Stone

Sand Stone 1
Sand Stone 1

Named sandstone, because the composition of the rock particles of small size like the sand which then form a larger stone size. This stone can emit light blink-blink, when seen from a different angle or three dimensions.

Besides very charming used for decoration or agate ring, diamond grit is often a display on the desk or in the living room also placed in dresser. Crystal cluster is another name of this diamond sand. According to Feng Shui, if the stone is placed at each corner of the house will give peace in the house.

Sand Stone

Sand Stone 2
Sand Stone 2

Another benefit of this stone can help the healing process, increase the power of thought and assist the process of meditation. Grit diamond stone is able to absorb negative energy, then emit positive energy. So it is good when you are in the room, then the room will be filled with positive aura.

Sand Stone 3
Sand Stone 3

This is a glimpse sandstone sandstone similar to gold. The difference is that the diamond grit in it looks like a sprinkling of diamonds. Meanwhile, gold sand stone in it as there is a sprinkling of gold. Grit diamond stone belonging to the precious stones that are rare, so it is very difficult to obtain.

Sand Stone

Bacan Stone

Bacan Stone

Bacan Stone 1
Bacan Stone 1

This unique stone found in the Bacan Island, South Halmahera, North Maluku province. If in the region of origin, this precious stone has been very popular since ancient times. The uniqueness of the agate is the color can change, so that today many people hunted. This stone can emit light as well as crystal. So that adds beauty.

Bacan Stone

Bacan Stone 2
Bacan Stone 2

Type Bacan doko is the most popular agate lovers. Because the color of the stone can be fickle and there is a light crystal. But the basic color is green. So that people believe that the stone was as lifeless and the selling price of the most expensive. Another type of stone Bacan Bacan obi with honey color, white and brown. Bacan palamea have red and blue. While Bacan Vedas have yellow and brown.

Bacan Stone 3
Bacan Stone 3

Bacan Stone

Blood Stone

Blood Stone

Blood Stone 1
Blood Stone 1

Named because the blood stone believed to absorb and stop the blood flow to the wound. Other names are bloodstone are widely applied by medical practitioners, physical and mental trauma patients, as well as someone who is poor blood circulation. This stone can be a stimulating movement of kundalini energy and opening the heart chakra and the base chakra.

Blood Stone

Blood Stone 2
Blood Stone 2

Blood Stone 3
Blood Stone 3

There are so many benefits of this blood agate, so many fans agate hunting. Could as health advocates and the media healing, increases the vitality of the body, giving spirit and confidence, adding charisma, bring good luck, give you peace, providing protection from the threat of physical, psychological and astral beings, increasing courage, physical strength, brought wealth and strengthen the fabric of love in the family.

Blood Stone 4
Blood Stone 4

Blood Stone 5
Blood Stone 5

This precious stone is not only used as eye ring, but often also stored in a purse or wallet. So it would be easy to take anywhere. Other jewelry that can be created from this blood stone besides rings are earrings, necklaces and pendants. When someone wearing this precious stone, it will get very positive energy beam supporting a good aura about him.

Blood Stone

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Stone Puser Earth

Stone Puser Earth

Stone Puser Earth
Stone Puser Earth

For fans and collectors agate picture, are not necessarily familiar with agate navel of the earth. Agate is unique with motifs of stone fibers that form a circle like a vortex formation, the motive is what makes this a rare agate agate named navel of the earth.

Stone Puser Earth

Agate navel of the earth are categorized agate agate picture is rare and hard to find, so this will agate sought by hobbyists and collectors. So no wonder if the stone has become one of the very pretty stone collection.

Stone Puser Earth

Badar Stone Iron

Badar Stone Iron

Badar Stone Iron
Badar Stone Iron

Agate phenomenon is endless. Its uniqueness is the main attraction for fans. Because it is not rare, though it must be hunted with expensive price, this stone still hunted for their collection.

One type of agate that is currently being hunted is Badr Iron. Rock which is believed to contain magnets and obtained by the known mine unique and hard to get. Therefore the price of these stones became not cheap.

Badar Stone Iron

Badr iron stone is one of the unique rock types, because in the rock containing magnetic levels, which means that if the stone is brought closer to the metal, the metal will stick. First full moon rocks dominated iron dark, but now there are many iron full moon rocks that have a color other than black.
The phenomenon of popularity of rock is exactly what then toss the name of Badr iron stone from Lombok with dazzling red color, bright red fibrous stones such as blood stone stone.
This proves that in Indonesia has many varieties and types of stone available. Full moon red iron stone chili has a fairly high hardness, and can be used as a unique collection.How to care full moon rocks red chilli iron is very easy, namely by rubbing the stone wear leather or bamboo splinter media. With this type of treatment can make the stone more sleek. In addition, this way of treatment if often done to make the stone age.

Badar Stone Iron

Cempaka Stone Honey

Cempaka Stone Honey

Cempaka stone Honey
Cempaka stone Honey

Gemstone is a mineral, rock formed from the result of geological processes that elements consist of one or several chemical components that have a high selling price, and demand by collectors.

Cempaka Stone Honey

One of agate are quite popular and famous and now is agate cempaka honey. Agate type is known from somewhat reddish yellow color, so agate cempaka honey is very pretty and sweet charming. Although agate cempaka honey looks very elegant but affordable in terms of price and not too expensive. Because the beauty of this stone color that makes it a lot of jewelry or a collection.

Cempaka Stone Honey

Pineapple Pandan Stone

Pineapple Pandan Stone

Pineapple Pandan Stone
Pineapple Pandan Stone

Agate phenomenon is endless. Its uniqueness is the main attraction for fans. Because it is not rare, though it must be hunted with expensive price, this stone still hunted for their collection.

One of the natural resources that we have is a wide range of minerals including precious stones or agate. Various islands and provinces and territories, has the potential agate with best quality. One of Indonesia which has the potential wealth of precious stones is Jakarta. As a regional capital city, Jakarta has turned out to be the first or agate stone that became his trademark, namely agate Pandan.

Often we hear about the name of pandan stone, but if we already know, that the criteria of how that became the target of the Betawi community? In this kind of stone Betawi culture are known to have high charisma for the wear. Elliptical but has a moderate level of violence.

Pineapple Pandan Stone

Agate stone pandan pandanus or included in the chalcedony family, is a type of agate that have known the people of Jakarta or Betawi since hundreds of years ago. So do not be surprised if there is a saying "not otherwise wear Betawi people agate pandan". Various agate stone variants pandanus, increasingly enrich the Betawi culture. Some of its variants, namely agate pandan silk, pandan stone pineapple, pandan suji agate, moss stone rings and other pandanus, all variants have certain traits and patterns.

Regarding the origin of the name pandanus agate, there are some slightly different story. Some say, pandan name associated with a hope for those who wear the agate is expected to have a good name and in the know smelled fragrant pandan plant. Other versions, naming Pandan derived from the word meaning locket pendant. This is related to the Dutch colonial era that often wear pendant or locket. Due to the custom in the Betawi dialect, finally said Pendan be pandan.

Pineapple Pandan Stone

Saturday 28 March 2015

Cempaka Honey Stone

Cempaka Honey Stone

Cempaka Honey Stone 1
Cempaka Honey Stone 1

Cempaka stone agate Honey is a pretty popular today, with a characteristic reddish yellow color makes this stone looks very pretty and charming. Besides the price is quite affordable, this stone also has a variety of colors so many hobbyists like this type of stone as decking or private collections.

Chrysolite stone is also known by the name derives from the French Citrine Citron which means Orange Lemon with a characteristic golden yellow color and is believed to be the stone of luck.

These stones are found in Brazil. Only difference with chrysolite stone honey may be in crystalline rocks where Citrine seen more clearly so that it does not say honey yellow.

Cempaka Honey Stone

As for the type of stone chrysolite honey found in Pacitan and known as chalcedony stone with a variety of attractive colors such as yellow, red or any other color to red color while there are so-called red baron. Various styles and color stone this cempaka facilitate hobbyist determine the choice of color as you wish.

Cempaka Honey Stone 2
Cempaka Honey Stone 2

Efficacy of chrysolite stone honey, highly dependent on the confidence of each person. Many believe, that the natural rock settles for thousands of years in the bowels of the earth is believed to contain the natural energy that has the properties and benefits for the wearer.

Efficacy Stone Cempaka Honey :

     Increasing the authority and charismatic
     Cause peace of heart and mind
     Neutralize the negative energy in the body
     Improving the workings of the brain and intelligence
     Pep life and much more

Apart from that belief, jewel indeed been used since thousands of years ago as jewelry, both among ordinary people or the nobility. Even sometimes of kings or rulers leaders at that time were made of precious stones as a symbol of their power and position to distinguish between them by ordinary people.

Currently gems or agate still very loved and often become prey many people, either by hobbyists and collectors. Price expensive gem not only be used as jewelry for the lifestyle but also as an investment.

Cempaka Honey Stone

Tread Starling Stone

Tread Starling Stone

Tread Starling Stone 1
Tread Starling Stone 1

Agate hobbyist may already be familiar with the type of stone or rock starlings footprint with unique motifs. This stone has a characteristic shape transverse plus sign (+) at the top of the stone so that it seems very unique and attractive for use in jewelry.

Names on this rock 'Tread starling' lies not in character and rock crystal, but rather on mutif or image as his trademark. Colors can vary there are red yellow, brown, white, green or other colors that have a straight line and transverse like a plus sign (+) as a feature to be called rock starlings tread ring.

Tread Starling Stone

Tread Starling Stone 2
Tread Starling Stone 2

Stone with this motif has been very popular among hobbyists and is widely used as an eye ring, but can actually be used for a wide variety of jewelry, especially when the stone has a clear complexion and crystallize would be very pretty to be made gem jewelry such as pendants or other models.

In the community, especially for the hobbyist types of agate, including one of the most sought after because many stones believed to have properties and is considered a stone khodam to bring good luck.

Efficacy Stone Tread Starling for those who believe

      Safety of danger
      Immunity from various types of weapons
      Win of evil supernatural beings and real
      Add charisma and authority

This stone is suitable for those who already have a pair (concord and harmony) in the household.

Tread Starling Stone

Monkey Fur Stone

Monkey Fur Stone

Monkey Fur Stone 1
Monkey Fur Stone 1

Agate rare monkey fur and is believed to have good luck, so the stone is classified as a rare stone that difficult to obtain. Names contained in this rock type also illustrates the prestige or style that is contained therein that resemble monkey fur.

This stone color varies from red, green to the color of the original monkey fur gray somewhat blackish. The origin of this stone is not separated from the story and the belief some people against wild animals which are considered to have supernatural powers and related animals classed as supernatural beings, including animals such as crocodiles, eels, tiger and others.

It is said that this stone is a fossil monkey that died because he is too old, so it is believed to bring the character of an old monkey who is considered to have supernatural power as king of all the monkeys.

Monkey Fur Stone

Another story mentions an old monkey who have never been out of the nest as it has become the king of all the monkeys, so he does not have to work but just relaxed life in the nest, but always rubbed his fur thick and fell on the ground and then hardened into rock.

Monkey Fur Stone 2
Monkey Fur Stone 2

Acts which are the most correct, but clearly it has streaks similar stone bull monkey orderly, smooth and shiny. Most rock fans believe this rare stone has efficacy as an attraction for its owner.

Here are the properties of the stone monkey fur :

     *   Add charm and appeal to the wearer
*   Air liver and family harmony
*   Harmony in life
*   Tranquility and an antidote to bad luck
*   Add authority and charismatic
*   Antidote to black magic and starting reinforcements
*   Functioning as a grace
*   Increase patience and tranquility
*   Smoothness fortune and business
*   And others in accordance trust

However, any efficacy of a rock, including the type of stone, back to each individual, but clearly many fans choose the stone for the value of art and beauty that radiates from the stone.

Monkey Fur Stone

Friday 27 March 2015




Turquoise stone ring is a type of rock that has been known since a long time by the people of Indonesia and the world and is believed to be the stone came from the Arab countries, rather than the Persian region as a producer of high quality turquoise, this stone also generated a lot of mining in Nishapur (Iran) with quality stone pretty good.

In Indonesia, this stone bears many among scholars because of this stone does have origins from Arab countries or countries of Islam first appeared. In addition to Persian stone found in the region is also found in Israel, Afghanistan, Sinai, Nevada, Carlifornia, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Turquoise stone name comes from the word Hebrew and Arabic Fairuz is a type of rock that is composed of a mixture of aluminum, phosphate, water, copper, iron and gold. This stone is not the kind of rock crystal that is not shiny. In general the blue sky as a base color with black veins and into the stone patterned golden so much like a cobweb.


Most experts clarify turquoise gems as half gem stone because the stone is quite rock with low hardness levels 5-6 on the mohs scale, so it is classified as a gem stone class 3. However, the beauty of this stone has become its own advantages, so often been the prey of many fans especially the type of beryl stone gold veins.

Similarly, in general agate stone turquoise is also believed to have efficacy as a good luck stone.

     *   Believed to reconcile the dispute,
*   Treating eye nearsighted (myopic), if often view this stone is believed to explain the vision
*   Bring happiness and pleasure
*   Serve as a repellent danger
*   For the safety of the trip, especially the likes driving
*   Etc

Given the low level of hardness, turquoise should always be kept away from things that can make it down like a fall, squeezed or from chemicals that are erode.

But for genuine turquoise stones despite having a low level of rock hardness is fairly resistant to things that can fade the color. In contrast with imitation turquoise derived from laboratory processed more easily fade if exposed to chemicals or rubbed. The original turquoise blue and vibrant while the color is slightly pale imitation and easily change or fade.


Stone Images and Figures

Stone Images and Figures

Stone Images and Figures 1
Stone Images and Figures 1

Agate stone ring images and figures believed to be a rare type of the stone and has efficacy for luck, especially for those who believe in the things they are strong mystical or supernatural thing. Later this kind of stone is being popular and much sought after, because it is said to bring luck and fortune in various types of businesses such as trade or for those who work.

But like a stone agate rings in general, pictorial stones or figures according to those who do not believe in luck a natural stone, regarded as ordinary stones and happen to have a unique style that resembles a picture or image numbers like snakes, cats, crocodiles or sometimes there is a picture of the wearing a white turban.

Stone Images and Figures

By and large stone ring the number 8, 9 or images of birds and so on, most of the types of chalcedony stone or stones that fall into the category of agate with a hardness below 7 mohs scale. However, this type of stone has a style that is attractive and nice with a wide range of colors and patterns, or the prestige of such numbers, or pictures.
Price stones own pictures or figures can be cheap, can also be very expensive as some time ago there was a picture agate stone and can be regarded as the most expensive ring in Indonesia with the name of Imam Alghazali agate which offered high prices in an exhibition gemstone

Stone Images and Figures 2
Stone Images and Figures 2
Efficacy stone or stone figure images are believed to bring good luck to their owners, especially those who believe in the symbols of luck such media figures as number 3 is believed to be the reflection of life where the number 3 is associated with the trinity doctrine, Tri Murti and Tri Ratna.
There are also stone ring image and the number 8 is believed to be good luck, fortune carrier and is considered as a number that never die because the two spheres that exist in these figures are always connected and never interrupted. However, despite their efficacy or prestige on the type of stone ring numbers and images are quite interesting to be a collection.

Stone Images and Figures